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QIS Quality Information System
QS-9000 A quality standard, based on
ISO 9000, used by the American domestic automobile manufacturers to register
their suppliers.
installation. (FDA) Establishing confidence that process equipment
and ancillary systems are compliant with appropriate codes and approved design
intentions, and that manufacturer's recommendations are suitably
operational. (FDA) Establishing confidence that process equipment and
subsystems are capable of consistently operating within established limits and
qualification, process performance.(FDA) Establishing confidence
that the process is effective and reproducible.
Qualification, product performance.
(FDA) Establishing confidence through appropriate testing that the finished
product produced by a specified process meets all release requirements for
functionality and safety.
Quality "Quality is conformance to specifications. "British
Defence Industries Quality Assurance Panel "Quality is conformance to
requirements." Philip Crosby "Quality is fitness for purpose." Dr Juran "Quality
is synonymous with customer needs and expectations." R J Mortiboys "Quality is a
predictable degree of uniformity and dependability, at low cost and suited to
the market. "Dr Edward Deming "Quality is meeting the (stated) requirements of
the customer- now and in the future." Mike Robinson "Quality is the total
composite product and service characteristics of marketing, engineering,
manufacturing and maintenance through which the product and service in use will
meet the expectations by the customer." Armand Feigenbaum "Totality of
characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and
implied needs." ISO 8402 : 1994. Quality The ability of a product, or
service, to meet customer requirements, both stated and unstated
Quality Assurance All the planned and
systematic activities implemented within the quality systems to provide adequate
confidence the requirements for quality will be met.
quality assurance,
software. (IEEE) (1) A planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary
to provide adequate confidence that an item or product conforms to established
technical requirements. (2) A set of activities designed to evaluate the process
by which products are developed or manufactured.
Quality assurance. (1) (ISO) The
planned systematic activities necessary to ensure that a component, module, or
system conforms to established technical requirements. (2) All actions that are
taken to ensure that a development organization delivers products that meet
performance requirements and adhere to standards and procedures. (3) The policy,
procedures, and systematic actions established in an enterprise for the purpose
of providing and maintaining some degree of confidence in data integrity and
accuracy throughout the life cycle of the data, which includes input, update,
manipulation, and output. (4) (QA) The actions, planned and performed, to
provide confidence that all systems and components that influence the quality of
the product are working as expected individually and collectively.
Quality Audit A systematic and
independent examination to determine quality related activities are implemented
effectively and comply with the quality systems and/or quality standards.
Quality Characteristics
The characteristics of an output of a process that are important to the
customer. Identification of quality characteristics requires knowledge of the
customers needs and expectations.
Quality circles 1. Quality improvement teams or groups. 2. In
Japan, groups of employees formed for the study of and sharing information
regarding quality control issues and theory.
Quality Control The process by which actual product or service
performance is measured and compared with a standard, and action is taken to
eliminate any non-conformances
Quality Council A group of senior management within given
operational units who plan, implement, facilitate, and monitor the QUALITY
Quality Function
Deployment (QFD) A requirements identification analysis, flow down,
and tracking technique. It focuses on quality and communication to translate
customer needs into product and process design specifics. Also known as the
"house of quality."
Quality function deployment (QFD) A technique used to
translate customer requirements into appropriate goals for each stage of product
or service development and output. The two approaches to quality function
deployment are known as the House of Quality and the Matrix of
Quality improvement
A systematic approach to the processes of work that looks to remove waste,
loss, rework, frustration, etc. in order to make the processes of work more
effective, efficient, and appropriate.
Quality improvement team A group of employees that take on a
project to improve a given process or design a new process within an
Quality loss
function An algebraic function that illustrates the loss of quality
that occurs when a characteristic deviates from its target value. It is
expressed often in monetary terms. Dr. Genichi Taguchi coined this term; his
work suggests that quality losses vary as the square of the deviation from
Quality Management
The planned actions taken to ensure the effective implementation of an
organization's quality systems.
Quality Manual A document stating the quality policy and
describing the quality systems of an organization.
Quality Planning Quality Planning is a
structured process for defining the methods that will be used in the production
of a specific product or family of products. Quality planning embodies the
concepts of defect prevention and continuous improvement as contrasted with
defect detection.
Policy A statement and a genuine commitment from Top Management
regarding their position relative to Quality Products and/or
Quality Process
A planned strategy that ensures all employees will be able to produce defect
free work.
Quality Records
Quality Records are the documented evidence that the supplier's processes were
executed according to the quality system documentation and records results.
Quality System Organizational structure, procedures, processes and
resources required to implement quality management.
Random Selecting a sample so each item in the population has an
equal chance of being selected; lack of predictability; without
Random Sample One
or more samples randomly selected from the universe (population).
Random Sampling The process of
selecting units for a sample of size, so that all units have an equal chance of
being selected as the sample.
Variable A variable which can assume any value from a set of possible
Random Variations
Variations in data which result from causes which cannot be pinpointed or
Range The
difference between the highest and lowest values in a set of values or
Range Control
Chart Control chart in which the range of the subgroup is used to
track the instantaneous variation within a process, i.e. the variation in the
process at any one time, when many input factors would not have time to vary
enough to make a detectable difference. Range charts are usually paired with
average charts for complete analysis.
Ranks Values assigned to items in a sample to determine their
relative occurrence in a population.
Record. (1) (ISO) a group of related data elements treated as
a unit. [A data element (field) is a component of a record, a record is a
component of a file (database)].
Registered Suppliers Registered Suppliers are suppliers who
have received third party registration to a specific quality system standard for
the commodity supplied.
Regrade Action taken on non-conforming product that changes
the classification, or category of the product for use in alternative
applications. Cannot be done without customer approval/direction. [Also see
analysis A statistical technique used to determine the best
mathematical expression to describe the relationship between a response and
independent variables.
analysis and testing. (IEEE) A software V&V task to determine the
extent of V&V analysis and testing that must be repeated when changes are
made to any previously examined software products. See: testing,
Diagram method is a technique developed to clarify intertwined causal
relationships in a complex situation in order to find an appropriate solution.
It is typically represented graphically as squared ellipses (concepts) connected
by directed lines (arrowheads show direction). The directed lines represent
causal relations between the concepts.
Release. (IEEE) The formal notification and distribution of an
approved version. See: version.
Reliability assessment. (ANSI/IEEE) The process of determining
the achieved level of reliability for an existing system or system
Reliability The
probability of a product or service successfully doing its job under given
The probability that an item will continue to function at customer
expectation levels at a measurement point, under specified environmental and
duty cycle conditions.
Reliability. (IEEE) The ability of a system or component to
perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of
time. See: software reliability.
Repair Action taken on non-conforming product so that the
product will fulfill the intended usage, although the product may not
conform to
the original requirements. [Also see Regrade/Rework]
Replication Observations made under
identical test conditions.
Representative Sample A sample which accurately reflects a
specific condition or set of conditions within the universe.
Requirement. (IEEE) (1) A condition or
capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective (2) A
condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system or system
component to satisfy a contract, standard. specification, or other formally
imposed documents. (3) A documented representation of a condition or capability
as in (1) or (2). See: design requirement, functional requirement,
implementation requirement, interface requirement, performance requirement,
physical requirement.
analysis. (IEEE) (1) The process of studying user needs to arrive at
a definition of a system, hardware, or software requirements. (2) The process of
studying and refining system, hardware, or software requirements. See:
prototyping, software engineering.
Requirements phase. (IEEE) The period of time in the software
life cycle during which the requirements, such as functional and performance
capabilities for a software product, are defined and documented.
Resources-those items necessary for a
team to understand a problem and implement solutions; also, the time to work on
solutions, access to manufacturing engineers, etc.
revalidation. Relative to
software changes, revalidation means validating the change itself, assessing the
nature of the change to determine potential ripple effects, and performing the
necessary regression testing.
Review. (IEEE) A process or meeting during which a work
product or set of work products, is presented to project personnel, managers,
users, customers, or other interested parties for comment or approval. Types
include code review, design review, formal qualification review, requirements
review, test readiness review. Contrast with audit, inspection. See: static
Rework Action
taken on non-conforming product so that it will meet the specified
RFP Request
For Proposal
RFQ Request
For Quotation
assessment. (DOD) A comprehensive evaluation of the risk and its
associated impact.
The possibility of loss, injury, disadvantage or destruction. Apply this
definition to the issues of program management and you have the starting point
for successful risk management
Risk. (IEEE) A measure of the probability and severity of
undesired effects. Often taken as the simple product of probability and
Robust design
An approach to the planning of new products and services that harnesses Taguchi
Robust The
ability of a product or service to function appropriately regardless of external
conditions and other uncontrollable factors.
Root Cause Analysis Using one or more various tools to
determine the root cause of a specific failure.
Root Cause The lowest level cause of a
failure, or variation in a product, component, or process .
RPN Risk Priority Number (ref: FMEA)
Run 1) SPC: A consecutive
number of points consistently increasing or decreasing. 2) Production: The
production of a specified number of sequential units.
Run chart Also known as a line chart,
or line graph. A chart that plots data over time, allowing you to identify
trends and anomalies.