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Object oriented programming. A technology for writing programs
that are made up of self sufficient modules that contain all of the information
needed to manipulate a given data structure. The modules are created in class
hierarchies so that the code or methods of a class can be passed to other
modules. New object modules can be easily created by inheriting the
characteristics of existing classes. See: object, object oriented
Ongoing Process
Capability Ongoing Process Capability is a long term measure of
statistical process control or process performance. It differs from preliminary
process capability by utilizing data from a longer time period so as to include
all common causes of variation, in particular, those common causes that may
result in process shifts affecting a number of sample intervals. Systematic or
repetitive patterns of special cause may also be included if the underlying
reasons for these special causes are understood. The time required for ongoing
capability evaluation depend on the time required for the sources of variation
to vary throughout their full ranges, but will typically be three to six months.
On-line. (IEEE)
Pertaining to a system or mode of operation in which input data enter the
computer directly from the point of origin or output data are transmitted
directly to the point where they are used. For example, an airline reservation
system. Contrast with batch. See: conversational, interactive, real
Operation and maintenance
phase. (IEEE) The period of time in the software life cycle during
which a software product is employed in its operational environment, monitored
for satisfactory performance, and modified as necessary to correct problems or
to respond to changing requirements.
Operation exception. (IEEE) An exception that occurs when a
program encounters an invalid operation code.
Operational Definition A description
in quantifiable terms of what to measure and the steps to follow to consistently
measure it.
Ordered categories (ranking) with no information about distance between each
category, i.e., rank ordering of several measurements of an output
vertical axis of a graph.
Organization Diagnostics The process of identifying
organization problems with individuals, processes, procedures, technology,
culture, etc.
Organize To
arrange by systematic planning.
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OTM One Time Measure
OTP Outline Test Plan
Outcome the degree to
which output meets the needs and expectations of the customer
OUTPUTS Products or services provided
to others; the result of a process
P Control Chart
A control chart that determines the stability of a
process by finding what percentage of total units in a sample are defective.
Pareto chart A bar chart
that orders data from the most frequent to the least frequent, allowing the
analyst to determine the most important factor in a given situation or
Pareto Diagramme
A chart which ranks, or places in order, common occurrences.
Pareto principle The idea that a few
root problems are responsible for the large majority of consequences. The Pareto
principle is derived from the work of Vilfredo Pareto, a turn-of-the-century
Italian economist who studied the distributions of wealth in different
countries. He concluded that a fairly consistent minority about 20% of people
controlled the large majority about 80% of a society's wealth. This same
distribution has been observed in other areas and has been termed the Pareto
principle. It is defined by J.M. Juran as the idea that 80% of all effects are
produced by only 20% of the possible causes.
Parts Per Million (PPM)PPM is a way of stating the performance
of a process in terms of actual or projected defective material. PPM data can be
used to indicate areas variation requiring attention.
Performance Measure An indicator that
can be used to evaluate quality, cost, or cycle time characteristics of an
activity or process usually against a target or standard value.
Performance requirement. (IEEE) A
requirement that imposes conditions on a functional requirement; e.g., a
requirement that specifies the speed. accuracy, or memory usage with which a
given function must be performed.
PFMEA Process Failure
Mode Effects Analysis: An analytical technique used to assure that
potential process failure modes and associated causes have been considered and
requirement. (IEEE) A requirement that specifies a physical
characteristic that a system or system component must posses; e.g., material,
shape, size, weight.
Pie chart A chart that compares groups of data to the
whole data set by showing each group as a "slice" of the entire "pie." Pie
charts are particularly useful for investigating what percentage each group
Plan Do Study Act
(PDSA or PDCA) Originally Shewhart's Plan Do Check Act or the
application of the scientific method to engineering and management. Deming later
changed Check to Study. A look before you leap approach to standardization or
maintenance (Standardize Do Check Act), solving problems and improvement or
reactive mode (Check Act Plan Do) and achieving opportunities and new
developments or proactive mode (Plan Do Check Act). .
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle A
four-step improvement process originally conceived of by Walter A. Shewhart. The
first step involves planning for the necessary improvement; the second step is
the implementation of the plan; the third step is to check the results of the
plan; the last step is to act upon the results of the plan. It is also known as
the Shewhart cycle, the Deming cycle, and the PDCA cycle.
Platform. The hardware and software
which must be present and functioning for an application program to run
[perform] as intended. A platform includes, but is not limited to the operating
system or executive software, communication software, microprocessor. network,
input/output hardware, any generic software libraries, database management, user
interface software, and the like.
Pokayoke Japanese approach to mistake proofing. Primarily
activities for front line employees empowered to make changes to their work
processes to enhance accuracy, safety, and efficiency.
Policy deployment Another name for
hoshin planning.
Population A group of similar items from which a sample is drawn.
Often referred to as the universe.
PPAP Production Parts Approval Process
PPM Predictive Preventative
Precision The
closeness of agreement between randomly selected individual measurements or test
results. Also see Accuracy.
Predictive Maintenance Maintenance performed on equipment just
prior to the predicted breakdown of that equipment.
Preliminary Bill of Material An
initial Bill of Material completed prior to design and print release.
Preliminary Process Capability
Studies Preliminary Process Capability Studies are short term studies
conducted to obtain early information on the performance of new or revised
processes relative to internal or customer requirements. In many cases,
preliminary studies should be conducted at several points in the evolution of
new processes (e.g., at the equipment or tooling subcontractor's plant, after
installation at the supplier's plant) These studies should be based on as many
measurements as possible. When X Bar and R charts, at least twenty subgroups
(typically three to five pieces) are required to obtain sufficient data for
decision making. When this amount of data is not available, control charts
should be started with whatever data is available.
Prevention The practice of eliminating
unwanted variation a priori (before the fact), e.g., predicting a future
condition from a control chart and then applying corrective action before the
predicted event transpires.
Preventive Action Action(s) designed to prevent the occurrence
of non-conformances, or non-conformities.
Preventive Maintenance Maintenance performed on equipment,
with the intent on prolonging equipment life and/or preventing breakdown and
Price of Non
Quality (PONQ) What it costs to do things wrong, resulting in losses
such as time, money and opportunity. An equation for estimating PONQ is: the
amount of time required to fix a defect x the number of defects x the hourly
wage rate (fully burdened with overhead, overtime, benefits, etc.).
Probability The chance of something
happening; the percent or number of occurrences over a large number of
Probability of an
Event The number of successful events divided by the total number of
Problem A
deviation from a specified standard.
Problem Solving The process of solving problems; the isolation
and control of those conditions which generate or facilitate the creation of
undesirable symptoms.
Procedures Documented processes that are used when work
affects more than one function or department of an organization.
Process A particular method of doing
something, generally involving a number of steps or operations. (2) A series of
actions that lead to a desired result; converting inputs into outputs. (3)
A collection of activities that together produce a usable product or service
by applying resources from one or more functional areas. (4) Combination of
people, equipment, materials, methods, and environment that produce output.
Process Average The
central tendency of a given process characteristic across a given amount of time
or at a specific point in time.
Process capability 1. A statistical
measure indicating the inherent variation for a given event in a stable process,
usually defined as the process width divided by 6 sigma. 2. Competence of the
process, based on tested performance, to achieve certain results.
Process capability index Measurement
indicating the ability of a process to produce specified results. Cp and Cpk are
two process capability indices.
Process Comparison A logical method of questioning that
compares the process conditions when a non conforming output was produced with
the process conditions when a conforming output was produced.
Process Control Operations with a
built in finding and adjusting step to keep a product or service in conformance
with the specifications.
Control Chart Any of a number of various types of graphs upon which
data are plotted against specific control limits.
Process Decision Program Chart
Chart is a method that graphically displays as many alternatives and
contingencies that can be determined in advance to strategies for dealing with
them can be determined in advance.
Process Flow Diagram Depicts the flow of material through the
process, including any rework or repair operations.
Process Model Also Activity Model A
graphic representation of a business process that exhibits the activities and
their interdependencies that make up the business process to any desired level
of detail. An activity model reveals the interactions between activities in
terms of inputs and outputs while showing the controls placed on each activity
and the types of resources assigned to each activity.
Process Portal Software which focuses
the user of the Portal to the explicit knowledge required to solve his/her
particular problem, or deal with a particular situation or series of events.
Changes Implicit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge.
Process Spread The range of values
which a given process characteristic displays; this particular term most often
applies to the range but may also encompass the variance. The spread may be
based on a set of data collected at a specific point in time or may reflect the
variability across a given amount of time.
Process Variation The variables in a process that affect
outcomes. Two types of process variation special cause and common cause.
Producers Risk
Probability of rejecting a lot when, in fact, the lot should have been accepted
Product Assurance
Plan A part of the Product Quality Plan. It is a prevention oriented
management tool that addresses product design, process design, and when
applicable software design.
Production database. The computer file that contains the
establishment's current production data.
Production Part Approval Submissions The submissions are based
on small quantities of parts taken from a significant production run made with
production tooling, processes, and cycle times. Parts for production part
approval are checked by the supplier to all engineering requirements.
Production Trial Run
Product made using all production tools, processes, equipment, environment,
facility, and cycle time.
design language. (IEEE) A specification language with special
constructs and, sometimes, verification protocols, used to develop, analyze, and
document a program design.
mutation. (IEEE) A computer program that has been purposely altered
from the intended version to evaluate the ability of program test cases to
detect the alteration. See: testing, mutation.
Program.(1) (ISO) A sequence of
instructions suitable for processing. Processing may include the use of an
assembler, a compiler, an interpreter, or another translator to prepare the
program for execution. The instructions may include statements and necessary
declarations. (2) (ISO) To design, write, and test programs. (~) (ANSI) In
programming languages, a set of one or more interrelated modules capable of
being executed. (4) Loosely, a routine. (5) Loosely, to write a
Programming language.
(IEEE) A language used to express computer programs. See: computer language,
high-level language, low-level language.
programming standards. See: coding
Project A
problem. usually calling for planned action.
Project plan. (NIST) A management document describing the
approach taken for a project. The plan typically describes work to be done,
resources required, methods to be used, the configuration management and quality
assurance procedures to be followed, the schedules to be met, the project
organization, etc. Project in this context is a generic term. Some projects may
also need integration plans, security plans, test plans, quality assurance
plans, etc. See: documentation plan, software development plan, test plan,
software engineering.
Proof of
correctness. (NBS) The use of techniques of mathematical logic to
infer that a relation between program variables assumed true at program entry
implies that another relation between program variables holds at program
protocol. achieving communication.
Prototyping. Using software tools to accelerate the software
development process by facilitating the identification of required functionality
during analysis and design phases. A limitation of this technique is the
identification of system or software problems and hazards. See: rapid