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Gage R&R Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility

Gantt chart
A bar chart that shows planned work and finished work in relation to time. Each task in a list has a bar corresponding to it. The length of the bar is used to indicate the expected or actual duration of the task.

An indicator of category or rank related to features or characteristics that cover different sets of needs for products or services intended for the same functional use.

(IEEE) A diagram or other representation consisting of a finite set of nodes and internode connections called edges or arcs. Contrast with blueprint. See: block diagram, box diagram, bubble chart, call graph, cause-effect graph, control flow diagram, data flow diagram, directed graph, flowchart, input-process-output chart, structure chart, transaction flowgraph.

Graphic software specifications
Documents such as charts, diagrams, graphs which depict program structure,, states of data, control, transaction flow, HIPO, and cause-effect relationships; and tables including truth, decision, event, state-transition, module interface, exception conditions/responses necessary to establish design integrity.

Green Belt
An individual who supports the implementation and application of Six Sigma tools by way of participation on project teams