"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to Change" - Darwin

5.        Processes, Products and Services: Excellent organisations design, manage and improve Processes, Products and Services to generate increasing value for customers and other stakeholders.



5a.Processes are designed and managed to optimize stakeholder value.


-Use a Framework of key processes to implement the orgnisation�s strategy.

-Analyze, categories & priorities their end to end processes as part of the overall management system and adopt appropriate approaches to effectively manage and improve them, including those processes that extend beyond the boundaries of the organisation.

-Clearly define process ownership and their role and responsibility in developing, maintaining and improving the framework of key processes.

-Develop meaningful process performance indicators & outcome measures, clearly linked to the strategic goals.

-Turn new ideas into reality thru innovation-enabling processes that fit the nature and importance of the changes they will make.

-Use data on the current performance & capabilities of their processes and appropriate Benchmarks to drive improvement, creativity & innovation. Assess the impact and the added value of innovations and improvements to processes.


5b.Products and Services are developed to create optimum value for customers.


-Strive to innovate and create value for their customers, involving them & other SH where appropriate, in the development of new & innovative products, services & experiences.

-Use market research, customer surveys & other forms of feedback to anticipate and identify improvements aimed at enhancing the product and service portfolio.

-Involve their people, customers, partners & suppliers in the development of new and innovative products, services and experiences for both existing and new customer groups.

- Develop their portfolio in line with the changing needs of existing & potential customer groups

-Understand and anticipate the impact and potential of new technologies on products and services.

-Take into account any impact of the product & service lifecycle on economic, societal and sustainability.



5c. Products and Services are effectively promoted and marketed.


-Know who their different customers groups are, both existing & potential and anticipate their different needs & expectations.

-Transform needs & expectations and potential requirements into attractive & sustainable value propositions for both existing & potential customers.

-Implement the business model and value proposition by defining their �unique selling� point, market positioning, target customers� groups and distribution channels.

-Develop marketing strategies to effectively promote their products and services to target customers and users� groups.

-Effectively market their product and service portfolio to existing and potential customers.

-Ensure they have the capability to fulfill their promises.





5d.Products and Services are produced, delivered and managed.


-Produce and deliver their product and services to meet or exceed, customers� needs and expectations, in line with the offered value proposition.

-Develop an effective & efficient value chain to ensure they can consistently deliver on the promised value proposition,

-Ensure their people have the necessary tools, competencies, information and empowerment to be able to maximize the customer experience.

-Manage their product and services throughout their entire lifecycle where appropriate, considering any impact on public health, safety & environment.

-Compare their product and service delivery performance with relevant benchmarks and understand their strengths in order to maximize the value generated for customers.

-Involve their people, customers, partners and suppliers in optimizing the effectiveness & efficiency of their value chain.




5e.Customer relationships are managed and enhanced.


-Segment customers, in line with the organisation�s strategy and adopt appropriate policies and processes for effectively managing the relationship

-Determine and meet customers� day-to-day contact requirements.

-Build and maintain a dialogue with all their customers, based on openness, transparency and trust.

-Continually monitor & review the experiences and perceptions of customers and respond quickly and effectively to any feedback. [Complaint handling]

-Ensure [Advise] customers on the responsible use of their product and services.[Training, operating manual]









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