"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to Change" - Darwin

People : Criterion 3

How the organisation manages, develops and releases the knowledge and full potential of its people at an individual, team based and organisation wide level, and plan these activities in order to support its Policy and Strategy and the effective operation of its processes.

    3d. How people and organisation have a dialogue (effective top down, bottom-up and lateral communication is achieved)

  • Identifying communication needs
  • Developing communication policy and strategy and plans based on communication needs
  • Developing and using top down and bottom up and horizontal communication channels
  • Sharing best practice and knowledge

    3e. How people are rewarded, recognised and cared for

  • Aligning remuneration, redployment, redundancy and other terms of employment with policy and strategy
  • Recognising people in order to sustain their involvement and empowermrnt
  • Promoting awareness and involvement in health, safety, the environment and issues on social responsibility
  • Setting the lvel of benefits e.g. pension plan, health care etc
  • Promoting social and cultural activities
  • Providing facillities and services, e.g. flexible hours, transport etc
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