"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to Change" - Darwin

Leadership : Criterion 1

Excellent organisations have leaders who shape the future and make it happen, acting as role models for its values and ethics and inspiring trust at all times. They are flexible, enabling the organisation to anticipate and react in a timely manner to ensure the on-going success of the organisation..

    1d. Leaders reinforce a culture of excellence with the organisation�s people.

  • Personally communicating the organisation's mission, values,policy and strategy,plans, objectives and targets to people
  • Being accessible, actively listening and responding to people
  • Helping and supporting people to achieve theirs plans, objectives and targets
  • Encouraging and enabling people to participate in improvement activities
  • Recognising both team and individual efforts, at all levels within the organisation, in a timely and appropriate maner

    1e. Leaders ensure that the organisation is flexible and manages change effectively.

  • Understand the internal and external drivers of organisational change
  • Are flexible; they review, adapt & realign the direction of their organisation when necessary, inspiring trust at all the times
  • Involve & seek commitment of all relevant SH for their contribution to the sustainable success of the organisation and any changes necessary to ensure their success
  • Demonstrate their ability to maintain sustainable advantage thru their capability to learn quickly and respond rapidly with new ways of working
  • Allocate resources to provide for long-term needs rather than just short-term profitability and where relevant become & remain competitive

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