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Diarrhœa; stools profuse (drain the patient dry), offensive, < morning and during dentition.

Persistent gagging, without vomiting; rolling the head and moaning with half-closed eyes.

Great loquacity during the fever stage, especially with jaundiced skin.

Prolapsus of uteri; prolapse of rectum.

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There are many remedies that are powerful cathartics, and this is one of them. A superficial understanding of our law of cure would lead a novice to conclude that all one would have to do for a case of diarrhœa would be to prescribe Podophyllum. Of course failure would often be the result. The simple fact of diarrhœa is only a factor in the case, where the selection of a remedy for its cure is concerned; for each cathartic has not only a diarrhœa, but a peculiar kind of diarrhœa which no other remedy has. The diarrhœa of Podophyllum is characterized by:

1st. The profuseness of the stool. 2d. The offensiveness of the stool. 3d. The aggravations in the morning, hot weather, and during dentition. Then again the concomitants are very peculiar. There is often present prolapsus ani, sleep with eyes half closed and rolling the head from side to side and moaning; frequent gagging or empty retching. These symptoms present have often led to the administration of this great remedy with very gratifying results. In regard to the profuse stools, they are so much so that they seem to drain the patient dry at every one. They may be yellow or greenish watery, and when watery, always profuse. Then again they may be pappy and profuse (Gambogia), or mucous and scanty, but always with Podophyllum very offensive. I have cured these cases in all stages. In the first onset of the disease, as well as in the very far advanced and apparently hopeless cases of cholera infantum, the 1000th potency (B. & T.) has done the best for me. Notwithstanding the fact that this remedy is one of quite a list set down for liver troubles, both with looseness of the bowels and constipation, I have not found it very efficacious in the latter. I can readily see how it might be, however, in liver troubles with constipation which had followed a preceding diarrhœa, just as Opium might cure the sleeplessness that followed preceding stupor, and Coffea sleepiness which followed preceding excitement. All drugs have their double action, or what is called primary and secondary action. But the surest and most lasting curative action of any drug is that in which the condition to be cured simulates the primary action of the drug. For, as I have held elsewhere, I think that what is called secondary action is really not the legitimate action of the drug, but the aroused powers of the organism against the drug. So the alternate diarrhœa and constipation in disease is a fight, for instance, between the disease (diarrhœa) and the natural powers resisting it. It is of considerable importance then to be able to recognize in such a case whether it is the diarrhœa or constipation that is the disease, against which the alternate condition is the effort of the vital force to establish health. Yet such an understanding is not always absolutely imperative, for in either case there are generally enough concomitant symptoms to decide the choice of the remedy. Indeed, the choice must always rest upon either the peculiar and characteristic symptoms appearing in the case or the totality of them. None but the true homœopathist learns to appreciate this. Here is where what is called pathological prescribing often fails, for the choice of the remedy may depend upon symptoms entirely outside of the symptoms which go to make up the pathology of the case, at least so far as we as yet understand pathology.

Podophyllum has a great desire to press the gums together during dentition. When this symptom is prominent, the choice will have to be made between this remedy and Phytolacca, both being great remedies for cholera infantum. In the nausea of Podophyllum vomiting is not so prominent as with Ipecac, but the gagging without vomiting is very marked, as it is also under Secale cornutum. Rumbling in the abdomen, especially in the ascending colon, is strong indication for this remedy even in chronic bowel troubles. Prolapsus ani is also a prominent symptom of this remedy, so also is prolapsus of the uterus, especially after straining, over-lifting or parturition. Here the choice will often be between Podophyllum, Rhus tox. and Nux vomica.

Podophyllum seems also to have a strong affinity for the ovaries, and some remarkable cures have been made on the symptom, -"Pain in right ovary, running down thigh of that side." (Lilium tig.) Sometimes there is also numbness attending. Ovarian tumors have disappeared under the action of this remedy, when this symptom was present. I once made a brilliant cure of an obstinate case of intermittent fever with this remedy. The chills were very violent and were followed by intense fever with great loquacity. There was also great jaundice present. When the fever was past the patient fell asleep, and on awakening did not remember what he had said in his loquacious delirium. The range of this remedy does not seem very wide, but within its range its action is surprisingly prompt and radical.




Insecurity of rectum; rectum feels full of heavy fluid, which will fall out, and does, if he does not go to stool immediately. Diarrhea.

Solid stool, passing (in large balls) away involuntarily and unnoticed.

Great fullness and weight in whole abdomen, with feeling of weight in rectum and hæmorrhoids protruding like a bunch of grapes; > by cold water applied.

* * * * *

This remedy should be considered alongside of Podophyllum because it is one of the so-called cathartics. Although one is as decided a cathartic as the other the characteristics which guide to their choice are very different.

Both are apt to be worse during hot weather.

Both are apt to be worse in the morning.

Both are often well supplemented with Sulphur.

But now let us look at some of the more marked and peculiar symptoms of Aloe. Stools yellow, fæcal, bloody or transparent jelly-like mucus. Sometimes this jelly-like mucus (Kali bich.) comes in great masses, or "gobs," and drops out of the rectum almost unnoticed. Again the stools are often passed involuntarily when expelling flatus or passing urine. There seems to be not only an actual weakness in the sphincter ani, but a distressing sense of weakness. The rectum feels as if full of heavy fluid which will fall out of escape from the patient, and in fact does so if he doesn't "git there, Eli" This escape of stool with flatus in Aloe finds its counterpart in Oleander. No two remedies are more alike in this respect, though Muriatic acid is also similar. Again a very characteristic symptom in the Aloe diarrhœa is "Great rumbling in the abdomen just before stool," and the feeling of weight in the rectum already mentioned is not always confined to the rectum, but is also felt through the whole pelvis and abdomen. Again, the rectum protrudes in Aloe like a bunch of grapes, and is relieved by the application of cold water. Muriatic acid is relieved by hot applications. Both of these remedies have blue hæmorrhoids; the Aloe itching intensely, while those of Muriatic acid are very sore and sensitive to touch, even of the bed clothes. In addition to the aggravations already mentioned, the diarrhea of Aloe is aggravated by walking or standing, after eating or drinking.

In dysentery there is violent tenesmus, heat in the rectum, prostration even to fainting and profuse clammy sweats. The weakness of the sphincter ani is also found in constipation. It is a curious symptom, and I would not believe it until I had seen it with my own eyes. "Solid stool passing involuntarily, passing away unnoticed." I was called to treat a child five years of age suffering from birth with a most obstinate form of constipation. He had to be forced and held to the stool crying and screaming all the while being totally unable to pass any fæces even after an enema. After trying several remedies in vain, I asked the mother to turn the child over (he was in bed) to let me examine the anus and rectum. As she turned down the bed clothes to do so, a large chunk of solid fæces appeared in the bed. "There," she said, "that is the way it is. Notwithstanding his inability to pass stool when he tries, we often find these things in the bed, and he does not know when they pass, nor do we." I then gave a few doses of Aloe 200th and cured the whole trouble quickly and permanently. Aloe like Podophyllum has also prolapsus uteri, and the feeling of heat, heaviness and fullness in the abdomen, pelvis and rectum guides to its selection. Like Podophyllum, also, its range of action is not wide, but positive, reliable and satisfactory.




Stool yellow, watery, coming out like a shot, all at once; < after least food or drink.

Excruciating pain, running from nipple to scapula; of same side when child nurses.

Eczema, especially of the scrotum; itches intensely, but is so sensitive to touch and sore that he cannot scratch.

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When the Allopaths, in any case where they considered an operation of the bowels imperative, had exhausted all other resources, Croton tiglium was their "biggest gun for the last broadside." In other words, this is a most violent cathartic. Now if Similia, etc., is not true, Croton tig. ought utterly to fail to cure diarrhœa; but it is true, and notwithstanding this remedy has proven its truth over and over again the Allopaths deny and reject Homœopathy. As in Podophyllum and Aloe, Croton tig. cures its kind and no other. Its guiding symptoms are:

First: "Yellow watery stool."

Second: "Sudden expulsion, coming out like a shot, all at once."

Third: "Aggravation from the least food or drink."

In this combination Croton tig. leads all of the remedies. The first symptom is found notably under Apis mel., Calcarea ost., China, Gratiola, Hyoscyamus, Natrum sulph., and Thuja. The second under Jatropha, Gratiola, Podophyllum and Thuja. The third under Argentum nit. and Arsenicum alb. The Calcarea ost. is found in the Calcarea temperament and China in cases weakened by loss of fluids, and all the others have strongly marked symptoms which distinguish them from Croton tiglium. For want of space we cannot give them here. Aloe has rumbling before the stool, while Croton tig. has washing in the intestines as from water. Both of these remedies having aggravation after eating or drinking, we would have to look further for the symptoms deciding between them. Another symptom that has frequently been verified in this remedy is -"Excruciating pain running from nipple to back (scapula) of the same side when the child nurses." I have cured bad cases of mastitis guided by this one symptom. Croton tig. cures eczema especially of the scrotum, where the eruption itches intensely, but is so sensitive and sore to touch that he cannot scratch. This comprehends the main uses of this valuable remedy.




Diarrhœa, acute or chronic < in the morning on beginning to move (Bry.), with much flatulence (Aloe and Calc. Phos.), and rumbling in abdomen, especially right ileo-cæcal region.

Loose cough, with great pain in the chest; < in lower left chest (right, Chel.).

Modalities: < in cold, wet weather; damp cellars; hydrogenoid (diarrhœa, rheumatism, asthma).

Mental effects from injuries to head.

Chronic effects of blows, falls.

Toothache > by cold water, cool air (Coff., Puls.).

Gonorrhœa; greenish-yellow, painless, thick discharge (Puls.).

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Natrum sulphuricum is also one of our armamentarium for diarrhœa, both acute and chronic. Like Podophyllum, Sulphur, Nuphar and Rumex, the diarrhea is aggravated in the morning. Sulphur drives the patient out of bed, but Natrum sulph., like Bryonia, is worse only after beginning to move. Then again Natrum sulph. has, like Aloe, much rumbling in the bowels as of flatulence. This rumbling of flatus is often with Natrum sulph. located in the right side of the abdomen in the ileo-cæcal region.

Again the Natrum sulphuricum stool is, like China, Argentum nit., Calcarea phos., Agaricus and Aloe, accompanied by a profuse emission of flatus. This flatulence is not always present, but is often so. In chronic diarrhœa there is almost always some trouble with the liver, evidenced by soreness in right hypochondrium, which is sensitive to touch, and hurts on walking or any jar. One very strong characteristic for this remedy in this trouble is aggravation of the diarrhœa, pain, etc., in damp weather. In this it resembles Dulcamara and Rhododendron. The Dulcamara has the aggravation in change from warm to cold weather, weather damp or dry. This aggravation in damp weather is not confined to diarrhœa in Natrum sulph. but is especially present in cases of chronic asthma. I have seen very great benefit in such cases of this very troublesome and obstinate disease, and as aggravation in damp weather very commonly occurs in cases of old asthma this remedy is often indicated. I have not observed much benefit from this remedy in runarounds, for which it is highly recommended; but have seen nice results from it in very obstinate cases of gonorrhœa, when the discharges was thick and greenish and little pain. Loose cough, with soreness and pain through the left chest, is very characteristic. This is one of the chief diagnostic points of difference between Bryonia and Natrum sulphuricum, that while with both there is great soreness of the chest with the cough, with Bryonia the cough is dry, while with Natrum sulph. it is loose. The patient springs right up in bed, the cough hurts him so.

There is as much soreness as there is with Bryonia, and when the patient coughs he springs up in bed and holds the painful side in his hand to ease the hurt. This symptom may be found in chronic affections of the respiratory organs, such as asthma, phthisis, etc., and I have several times seen remarkably prompt relief and cure follow its administration in pneumonia when this symptom was present. This pain through the lower left chest is as characteristic for Natrum sulph., as is that of pain running through right lower chest for Kali carbonicum.




Melancholy, depressed, sad and weeping; Consolation aggravates.

Great emaciation, even while living well, shows most in the neck.

Anæmia with bursting headaches, especially at the menses, also school girls' headache.

Great dryness of mucous membranes from lips to anus; lips dry and cracked, especially in the middle; anus dry, cracked, fissured; constipation.

Heart palpitates, flutters, intermits, pulsates violently, shaking the whole body; < lying on left side.

Itching eruptions, dry or moist; < at the margins of the hair.

Modalities: < 10 to 11 A. M. (many complaints), especially malarial affections; lying down, especially on left side; heat of sun or heat in general; abuse of Quinine, relieved by sweat.

Tongue; mapped with red insular patches.

For bad effects; of anger, nitrate of silver; too much salt; craves salt and salty things.

Hang nails; skin around the nails dry and cracked; herpes about the anus, in border of hair.

Warts on palms of hands (sore to touch, Nat.).

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Now that we have introduced the Natrums, we will continue them. Common salt. A gentleman once said to me when I prescribed a dose of Sulphur 30th, "Pshaw, I get more sulphur than that in every egg I eat. How can that do me any good?" My answer was, wait and see. And he was cured of both doubts and disease. There is no remedy in the Materia Medica, I think, that so disgusts the advocates of the low potency, and, low only, as this one. The unquestionable cure of the most obstinate cases of intermittent fever with the 200th and higher potencies demoralizes them. That people eating salt in appreciable quantities right along and can't live without it, don't get well on it, and do get well on the same thing potentized, does not hold to reason, the microscope, molecular theory; spectrum analysis, or anything else scientific (so called) not being able to discover any material in the dose. But there stand the cures, like the blind man whom Jesus healed. It is a hard thing to be confronted by such facts against our prejudices. "Oh, well," said one of these doubters, "people sometimes get well without medicine." so they do with, I replied. Isn't it curious how some physicians will hoot at a potency and fly like a frightened crow from a bacillus varying in size from 0.004 millimeters to 0.006 m.m. They can hardly eat, drink or sleep for fear a little microbe of the fifteenth culture will light on them somewhere, but there is nothing in a potency above the 12th. Oh, consistency! When prejudice gives way to honest, earnest investigation for truth, the world may be better for it. Natrum mur. is one of our best remedies for anæmia. It does not seem to make much difference whether the anæmia is caused by loss of fluids (China, Kali carb.), menstrual irregularities (Puls.), loss of semen (Phos. acid, China), grief or other mental diseases. In these cases of anæmia, to which Natrum is adapted, we may, in addition to the general paleness, have emaciation, notwithstanding the patient eats well. Severe attacks of throbbing headache; shortness of breath, especially on going upstairs, or other physical exertion; scanty menstruation; more or less constipation and generally great depression of spirits. In fact, depression of spirits is characteristic of this drug; the patient weeps much, like Pulsatilla, the difference being that the Pulsatilla patient is soothed and comforted by consolation, while the Natrum mur. patient is aggravated.

There is almost always in these anæmic cases a great deal of fluttering, palpitation, and even intermittent action of the heart. I have helped many such cases with this remedy high, in single doses, only repeating when improvement lagged. I have seen a patient who had lost 40 pounds of flesh (weight, 160 lbs.), though eating well all of the time, under one dose of Natrum mur., tip the scales at 200 lbs. within three months from the time of taking. He was very hypochondriac at the time of the beginning of treatment. I cannot speak too highly of Natrum mur. in these affections. Natrum mur. is one of our best remedies for chronic headaches. They come in paroxysms and would, by their intense throbbing nature, cause one to think of Belladonna, only that they occur mostly in the anæmic, and the face is pale, or at least slightly flushed. If the face is red and burning, eyes injected, and pain of beating or throbbing nature, we would immediately think of such remedies as Melilotus, Belladonna, or Nux vom., and then look for concomitant symptoms to decide between them. The headaches of Natrum mur. are very apt to occur after the menstrual period, as if caused by loss of blood, and you know that China also has throbbing headache in such cases. With Natrum the throbbing headache occurs whether the menses be scanty or profuse. Natrum mur. also cures the headaches of school girls, and here it may be difficult to choose between it and Calcarea phos., both remedies also being particularly adapted to anæmic states. Indeed, I have sometimes missed and had to give Calcarea phos. when Natrum failed and vice versa, because I could not make the choice. These headaches are often brought on by eye-strain, as in long-continued study, close sewing, etc. Then we have asthenopia with the headache, and must study also Argentum nit. and Ruta graveolens. In actual practice such cases do sometimes occur, where the case in hand is not far enough developed in symptomatic indications to enable one to choose between two about equally indicated remedies. If a man hits it well without ever having to try but twice I can forgive him for failing the first time, and am willing to be forgiven myself. In these cases, however, let the physician be blamed, and not Homœopathy, for that never fails. So-called sick headaches often find their simillimum in Natrum mur. For want of space we cannot give all of the symptoms which might indicate it. Natrum mur. acts upon the whole alimentary tract, from mouth to anus, and has very characteristic symptoms guiding to its administration. The lips and corners of the mouth are dry, ulcerated, or cracked (Condurango). In this it resembles Nitric acid, as it also does at the other end of the alimentary canal; for with both remedies the anus is fissured, sore, painful and sometimes bleeding. Antimonium crudum and Graphites are also to be remembered in this connection; but while Graphites has the affection of both mouth and anus, it is more of an eczematous or eruptive character than either of the other remedies. Natrum has great sense of dryness in the mouth without actual dryness. Now Mercury has thirst with moist mouth, but there is with this remedy swollen tongue, or flabby tongue, with indentations or prints of the teeth upon it, and very offensive breath, all of which is not markedly so of Natrum mur., so there is no danger of confounding the two. You will remember that although alike or similar in their mind symptoms Pulsatilla has the exact opposite as regards this symptom, viz., dry mouth with no thirst, furnishing a very marked contrast where a choice is necessary. Natrum has another similarity to Pulsatilla, in that it has bitter taste, and loss of taste. Again Natrum has a sensation upon the tongue similar to Silicea, viz., sensation of a hair upon the tongue (also Kali bich.). Deep painful fissure in middle upper lip is given in Guiding Symptoms, but I have found it in the lower lip and believe it to be just as characteristic. I made a splendid cure, being led to examination of the remedy by this symptom.

Blisters like pearls around the mouth are found in Natrum mur., especially in intermittents. If the upper lip is much thickened or swollen, not of an erysipelatous character, we would think of three remedies, all of which have it, Belladonna Calcarea ost., Natrum mur. Alone, of course, this symptom would not amount to much but is strongly corroborative if found in connection with other symptoms of any of these remedies. The symptoms of the gums may be summer up in one word, scorbutic. Now study also Mercurius, Carbo veg., Muriatic acid, etc.

There is another curious symptom in which I was helped by the elder Lippe to prescribe Natrum mur. with success in a case that had baffled me for a long time, viz., numbness and tingling of tongue, lips and nose. This came in connection with a chronic soreness of the liver, derangement of digestion, such as is often found in a condition which is popularly termed biliousness. This condition Natrum mur., given very high (said Lippe) c. m., clears up the case in a very short time. Map tongue is found under Natrum mur., Arsenicum alb., Lachesis, Nitric acid, and Taraxacum. I have used Natrum with success oftener than the others. I have not found Natrum mur. a great throat remedy, except in follicular pharyngitis, which had been abused with local applications of Nitrate of Silver. In post-diphtheritic paralysis of the muscles of deglutition Lachesis or Causticum have served me much better. Salivation profuse, watery and salty, is the reactionary or secondary action of Natrum and may find its remedy here. but this is not so often found as the other condition of dryness. Natrum mur has some strong characteristics under the head of appetite, thirst, desires and aversions. No remedy is more hungry, yet he loses flesh while eating well. (Acetic acid, Abrotanum, Iodine, Sanicula and Tuberculinum). Iodine has this canine hunger with emaciation; but after eating the Natrum patient feels weary and sleepy, while the Iodine one feels better. The Natrum patient after eating feels dull, with heavy aching and sense of fullness and discomfort in the region of the stomach and liver, which is relieved as digestion advances (see China); but the Iodine patient wishes to eat all of the time and feels comfortable only when the stomach is full or being filled. There are several remedies which are either hungry or relieved by eating, notably Anacardium, Chelidonium and Petroleum, as well as Natrum mur. and Iodine. One might add also as hungry remedies China and Lycopodium. The Anacardium has pain in the stomach which extends to the spine, and an all gone sensation which must be relieved by eating; and after two hours returns and he must eat again. Chelidonium hunger is accompanied with the characteristic liver symptoms. (See Chelidonium). In China, Natrum mur. and Lycopodium hunger, patient fills up quickly and fullness, flatulence and distress follow until the process of digestion is well advanced, when they are relieved. Again, Natrum mur. is a very useful remedy for an abnormal craving for salt. Patient salts everything he eats. A dose of the c. m. corrects this craving and often cures other symptoms accompanying. Causticum also has this symptom, and if the other symptoms indicate must take the preference. Of course the intense thirst of salt is well known, and keep pace with the hunger. Now this is the case with diabetes, for which Natrum is a curative if otherwise indicated. In all of these cases, of course, it must be used high, for we get the low in our food.

Under the head of stool and rectum few remedies have stronger symptoms. I quote verbatim from "Guiding Symptoms:" -"Constipation; obstinate retention of stool; stools irregular, hard, unsatisfactory; during menses; stools in large masses; stools like sheep dung; from inactivity of rectum; anus contracted, or torn, bleeding, smarting, or burning afterwards; stitches in the rectum causing hypochondriasis or ill humor; great torpor without pain; from want of moisture, dryness of mucous linings, with watery secretions in other parts; difficult expulsion, fissuring anus with flow of blood, leaving sensation of much soreness; with uterine displacements; hæmorrhoidal; in Addison's Disease." Now to read this rightly we must entirely separate these symptoms, here separated by the semi-colon, and put the word constipation before each one. That saves the error of supposing that all the symptoms here quoted must be present in a single case of constipation to make Natrum muriaticum the proper remedy.

One of the best possible exercises for a student of Materia Medica is to compare these different symptoms, as follows: Stools dry, crumbling, is also found under Ammonium muriaticum and Magnesia muriatica. Constipation from inactivity of the rectum, Alumina, Veratrum album, Silicea, etc. Anus contracted, torn, bleeding, smarting and pain after stool, Nitric acid. From want of moisture, dryness of mucous linings, Bryonia and Opium. Leaving sensation of much soreness, Ignatia, Nitric acid, Alumen. Then again Natrum mur. may become the only curative for cholera infantum, chronic diarrhœa, and other conditions were loose stools predominate. I will not wait to specify all the symptoms. Emaciation, hunger and thirst are present, especially in cholera infantum, emaciation being most noticeable in the neck. (Abrotanum in the legs, also Ammon. mur. and Argent. nit.) Emaciation, Natrum, Sarsaparilla and Iodine. On the urinary organs I will only call attention to the increased secretion already spoken of, and the involuntary escape of urine, which is also found under Causticum, Pulsatilla, Zincum and others, and a burning and cutting in the urethra after urination. Sarsaparilla has the nearest to this last symptom, and we remember here the resemblance of these two remedies as to emaciation in cholera infantum. This cutting in the urethra may be found in chronic cases of gleet, and in these cases the discharge is almost always, as it is under Natrum mur. in all mucous membranes, clear and watery. This remedy is one of the best for bearing-down pains in women, which are worse in the morning. The patient feels as if she must sit down to prevent prolapsus. This is like the pains of the Sepia patient, who feels as if she must cross her legs for the same purpose. Now if we had the stool and anal symptoms of Natrum present, and especially the hypochondriasis, we would have almost a sure thing in Natrum. These uterine symptoms of Natrum are often accompanied by back pains, which are relieved by lying upon back, like Rhus. I have already spoken of the headaches accompanying, and especially following the menses. They are throbbing and accompanied by great soreness of the eyes, especially on turning them. I have a patient now who has these headaches occasionally. She is inclined to anæmia. Was, when young, very anæmic. She is always relieved by this remedy in the 250m. potency, and under it is regaining her color and general health.

Natrum mur. has strong action upon the heart and circulation, as the following marked symptoms indicate: "Fluttering of the heart with weak faint feeling, worse, lying down. Irregular intermission of beats of heart and pulse, worse on lying on left side. Violent pulsations of the heart which shake the body." (Spigelia). All these symptoms are more markedly present in anæmic subjects, with constitution generally weakened by grief, sexual excess, loss of blood and other debilitating causes. It is especially efficacious in subjects suffering from abuse of Quinine. In fevers it is among Hahnemannians too well known to need much space here. In intermittents it is especially useful in cases suppressed, not cured, by Quinine, and its leading characteristic is in the time of the appearance of the chill.

Natrum appears characteristically at 10 to 11 A. M.

Eupatorium perfoliatum at 7 A. M.

Apis mellifica at 3 P. M.

Lycopodium at 4 P. M.

Arsenicum alb. at 1 to 2 P. M. or A. M.

Without fixing the time just to the hour, there are many remedies which have chills in the morning or in the evening, etc. Now in regard to the time of aggravation in fevers, they occur quite as characteristically in other than intermittents. For instance the Natrum at 10 A. M., the Arsenic at 1 P. M. or A. M., etc.

The fever, headache and all other symptoms of Natrum are relieved by sweating, as are those of Arsenicum also. There are some strong symptoms found in the extremities. "Hang nails." The Natrum subject is always having them. Again, numbness and tingling in fingers and toes, like that also found in the lips and tongue, should make one think of Natrum. The ankles are weak and turn easily, especially in children who are late in learning to walk. Painful tension in the bends of the limbs, as if the cords were too short. This may amount to actual deformity, like Causticum, Guaiacum and Cimex. Then the spine very irritable, sensitive to touch, yet relieved by hard pressure, with weakness of the limbs, fluttering of the heart, even half paralyzed extremities. As far as this spinal weakness is concerned, it may take on a form of general debility, for which there is no better remedy than Natrum mur. The mental and physical powers seem greatly relaxed, and physical and mental labor equally prostrating. This condition may gradually progress to paralysis, and may be the result of badly treated intermittents, sexual excesses, diphtheria, depressing emotions or other causes of nervous exhaustion. The action of Natrum upon the skin must not be overlooked. First and foremost is its eczema, which is raw, inflamed, and especially worse at the edges of the hair. Next for tetters at the bends of the joints. They crack and crust over and ooze an acrid fluid. Finally in urticaria it ranks with Apis, Hepar sulphur. and Calcarea ost. I have used more space for this remedy, as I did for Lachesis and Causticum, than for most other remedies, for the following reasons: First, they are all remedies more efficient in high potencies. Second, they are not appreciated by the general profession. Third, I hope to induce those who do not use them to investigate them. I have found that those who highly value these three remedies are generally good Homœopathic prescribers.




One of the most frequently corroborated symptoms of this remedy is the modality -aggravated by mental exertion. The patient is unable to think or perform any mental labor without headache (Argentum, nit., Sabadilla) vertigo or a sense of stupefaction. This symptom alone makes it an invaluable remedy, as we often come across that kind of patient. At least I have, and have frequently gained great credit by relieving them. I generally use the 30th potency here. Again this kind of headache is apt to be worse on exposure to the sun's rays or under gaslight. Persons suffering from over-heating from the sun may find relief from Natrum carb., Glonoine, Lachesis or Lyssin. Like the other Natrums, the carbonate is greatly depressed in spirits, wholly occupied with sad thoughts. It is one of our best remedies for chronic catarrh of the nose, which extends to the posterior nares and throat. There is violent hawking and splitting of thick mucus that constantly collects again, (Corallium). Although never produced in the proving, clinical use has proved it a great remedy for "bearing down" pains. Here the concomitant symptoms of mind, sadness, over-sensitiveness to noise, especially music, etc., will confirm its choice. Weakness of the ankles from childhood finds a good remedy in Natrum carb. I cured a very bad case in a young man who was very fleshy and walked on the inside of his ankles, feet bending outward, from such weakness, his ankles refusing to support him, especially when a little over-fatigued. Those are the only uses of Natrum Carb. that I know from personal experience or observation.




Stools green and frothy, like the scum of a frog pond; doubling up colic > after stool.

Toothache in decayed teeth, worse at night; must get up and walk about for relief (especially during pregnancy).

To exhausted nerves in worn-out women what China is for loss of blood.

Menses; flow only at night or when lying, and in absence of uterine pains.

* * * * *

The salts of Magnesia are not new to the medical profession as remedies. Especially is the one under consideration so well known in its action upon the intestinal canal that it has for a long time been "my lady's" habitual resort for sour stomach and constipated bowels. Of course, then it should become a very useful remedy for diarrhœa in the hands of a Homœopathist, and so it is. The kind of diarrhœa to which it is most applicable is -"Stools green and frothy like the scum of a frog pond." All of the Magnesias are great pain producers, consequently pain relievers, and, as might be expected, the stools of Magnesia carb. are preceded by griping, doubling-up colic. So far as colic is concerned, sometimes it might be difficult to choose between Magnesia carb. and Colocynth, but the stools are not alike. Rheum comes nearest to Magnesia carb., in that both have colic before stool, sour stool and sour smell of the whole body; but with Magnesia the green stool stands first and with Rheum the sourness. The stool of Rheum is oftener dark brownish than green. Chamomilla has green stool with much pain, but the stool is watery, while Magnesia carb. is more slimy. Mercury has the slimy stool which may be green also; but with Mercury tenesmus is the leading symptom, and the mouth symptoms and sweat without relief under it are not like the other remedies. Magnesia carb. has toothache which at first sight seems to simulate that of Mercury. It comes in decayed teeth and is worse at night. There is a finer shade of difference, however, that distinguishes them. Mercury is worse from the warmth of the bed (a general characteristic of Mercury), while Magnesia carb. is worse quiet. The patient is obliged to walk about for relief. This kind of toothache is common among pregnant women, and I have often cured it. (Ratanhia.) I have used it in the 200th potency for this trouble. Have used it lower in diarrhœas. I once cured a severe case of coccydynia, a case of long standing. The pains were sudden, piercing, causing the patient to almost faint away. Magnesia carb. 200th cured promptly. Lobelia inflata has extreme sensitiveness; sits leaned forward to avoid contact of even soft pillow.




Constipation, stools knotty or lumpy, like sheep dung; crumbling at the verge of the anus.

Nervous headache, > from pressure (Puls.); on wrapping the head up warmly (Sil.).

Palpitation of heart when the patient is quiet, > when moving about.

Urine; pale yellow; can only be passed by bearing down with abdominal muscles; weakness of bladder.

Adapted to nervous, hysterical women inclined to spasms.

* * * * *

This salt of Magnesia seems to act differently from the Magnesia carb., for while the latter most characteristically produces diarrhea, and we find it oftenest useful there, the former constipates. It has a peculiar form of constipation. The stools are hard, difficult, slow, insufficient, knotty, like sheep's dung, and crumble at the verge of the anus. Sometimes can only be passed by bearing down with the abdominal muscles. The remedies most resembling it in this form of constipation are Natrum mur. and Ammonium mur. and now that I think of it I might as well mention here another similarity between Ammonium mur. and Magnesia carb. which is characteristic, viz.: The menstrual flow is worse at night. I forgot this when writing of Magnesia carb. Perhaps it will be all the better remembered for this interruption. With the Magnesia mur. menstruation is very painful; accompanied with severe cramps, which may increase to general spasms of a hysterical nature. This nervous condition, if found coupled with the peculiar constipation above described, will be a sure indication for the use of this remedy. Again it has a peculiar nervous headache, which is better from strong pressure (Pulsatilla), or wrapping head up warmly (Silicea). This headache also is often hysterical. The spasms in connection with uterine troubles may find rival remedies in Actæa racemosa and Caulophyllum, the tout ensemble must decide. Magnesia mur. is a liver remedy, and in some symptoms resembles Mercurius, notably, the tongue takes imprint of the teeth and the aggravation from lying on the right side. But the stools of these remedies are characteristically very different. Again, while Mercurius is best adapted to acute affections of this organ, Magnesia mur is more so to the chronic. Ptelea, liver troubles are worse when lying on the left side. A very peculiar symptom of Magnesia mur., often confirmed is: Palpitation of the heart when the patient is quiet, relieved when moving about.

Children cannot digest milk during dentition (Sepia).




Cramping pains everywhere, also lightning-like in coming and going.

Spasmodic affections without febrile symptoms. Colic, whooping cough, cramps in calves, etc.

Modalities: < cold air, cold water, touch, > heat warmth, pressure, bending double.

* * * * *

Now we come to the prince of the Magnesias. It is comparatively new and has never been accorded a place in our Materia Medica according to its importance and merits. Dr. H. C. Allen gives the best rendering of it in the transactions of the International Hahnemannian Association for 1889. Magnesia phos. takes first rank among our very best neuralgia or pain remedies. None has a greater variety of pains. They are sharp, cutting piercing, stabbing, knife-like, shooting, stitching, lightning-like in coming and going (Belladonna), intermittent, the paroxysms becoming almost intolerable, often rapidly changing place and cramping. This last is in my opinion most characteristic, and is oftenest found in stomach, abdomen and pelvis. For colic of infants it ranks with Chamomilla and Colocynth and for dysmenorrhœa of the neuralgic variety, with the characteristic crampy pains, I have found no remedy equal to it. In this last affection I habitually prescribe the 55m. made by myself upon the gravity potentizer, so that I know exactly what it is. So often are we confronted with the question when we report cures with the high potencies, where do we get them, and are you sure they are what they purport to be? Now let me say right here, if I have not done so before, that we have potencies as high as the m. m., made by ourselves upon this accurately self-registering potentizer, that are marvelous for their curing powers. We (Dr. Santee and myself) invented the machine for our own individual use and have never yet offered the potencies for sale. So we can hardly be accused of mercenary motives in reporting cures, from them. Alongside the characteristic cramping pains of this remedy is its characteristic modality -relief from hot applications. No remedy has this more prominently than Arsenicum alb., but you will notice that among all the various kinds of pain we have mentioned as belonging to Magnesia phos. the one conspicuous for its absence is the one most characteristic of Arsenicum, viz. -burning pains. I watched this difference and found that if burning pains were relieved by heat, Arsenicum was almost sure to relieve, while those pains not burning but also relieved by heat were cured by Magnesia phos. I think that this will be found a valuable diagnostic between the two remedies. At least I have found it so. During painful menstruation Magnesia phos. is quicker in its action than Pulsatilla, Caulophyllum, Cimicifuga, or any other remedy that I know. The Cimicifuga seems to me to cover better, cases of a rheumatic character or in a rheumatic subject, while Magnesia phos. cures those of a purely neuralgic character. The pains cease when the flow begins, for Magnesia phos. In facial neuralgia this remedy has made many cures. In fact, it seems to be applicable to neuralgic pains anywhere if the proper conditions are present. So far as its power to control spasms or convulsions is concerned, I have no experience that proves it unless its power over cramping pains is proof. I have no faith in the Schuesslerian theory in regard to it. Similia similibus curantur has stood the test with other remedies and will with the so-called tissue remedies regardless of theories.

Now in regard to the cramping pains so characteristic of Magnesia phos.; when such a symptom stands out so prominently, it is a great leader, and narrows down the choice to a class of remedies having the same. Let me illustrate:

Cramping pains. Cuprum, Colocynth, Magnesia phos.

Burning. Arsenic, Canthar, Capsic., Phosphorus, Sulph. ac.

Coldness (sensation). Calc. ost., Arsenic alb., Cistus, Helod.

Coldness (objective). Camphora, Secale, Veratrum alb., Heloderma.

Fullness (sensation). Æsculus hip., Chian, Lycopod.

Emptiness (sensation). Cocculus, Phos., Sepia.

Bearing-down. Belladonna, Lilium tig., Sepia, etc.

Bruised soreness. Arnica, Baptisia, Eupatorium perf., Pyrogen, Ruta.

Constriction. Cactus grand., Colocynth, Anacard.

Prostration or weariness. Gelsemium, Picric acid, Phos. ac.

Numbness. Aconite, Chamomilla, Platina, Rhus toxicod.

Erratic pains. Lac caninum, Pulsatilla, Tuberculinum.

Sensitiveness to pain. Aconite, Chamomilla, Coffea.

Sensitive to touch. China, Hepar sul., Lachesis.

Bone pains. Aurum, Asafœtida, Eupat. perf., Mercurius.

Sticking or stitching pains. Bryonia, Kali carb., Squilla.

Pulsation or throbbing. Belladonna, Glonoine, Melilotus.

Hæmorrhages (passive). Hamamelis, Secale, Crotal., Elaps.

Hæmorrhages (active). Ferrum phos., Ipecac., Phosphorus.

Emaciation. Iodine, Natrum mur., Lycopod., Sarsapar., etc.

Leucophlegmasia. Calc. ost., Graphites, Capsicum.

Constitutions (psoric). Sulphur, Psorinum, etc.

Constitutions (sycotic). Thuja, Nitric acid., Medorrhinum, etc.

Constitutions (syphilitic). Mercury, Iodide potassium, Syphilinum, etc.

Blue swellings. Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Tarantula Cub.

So we might go on and indicate from one to three or more remedies having characteristic power over certain symptoms or conditions, and it is well to have them in mind, for with this start we will be very apt to have, or seek to find out, the diagnostic difference between them. Such knowledge forearms a man, preparing him for emergencies, and often enables the prescriber to make those wonderful snap-shot cures that astonish the patient and all beholders.




Abnormal painlessness.

Want of susceptibility, trembling, lack of vital reaction.

Blunted morals, worst liars in the world.

Reversed peristalsis and fæcal vomiting.

Fright; the fear of the fright remaining.

Sleepy but cannot sleep. Hears sounds not ordinarily noticed.

Very hot skin with sweating; perspiration.

Profound stupor with dark-red face and stertorous breathing.

Bed feels so hot she cannot lie on it; moves often in search of a cool place; must be uncovered.

* * * * *

One of the worst abused, because frequently used, remedies of all schools of medicine. I must explain. I said all schools. The true Homœopath does not abuse it, but many members of the school calling themselves homœopathic do. A teacher in one of the homœopathic colleges defended its use in narcotic doses in many cases to produce sleep and relief from pain. I will say just here that any homœopathic physician that feels obliged to use Opium or its alkaloid in this way and for this purpose does not understand his business and had better study his Materia Medica, and the principles of applying it according to Hahnemann, or else go over to the old school where they make no pretensions to have any law of cure. In the first place Opium in narcotic doses does not produce sleep, but stupor, and it only relieves pain by rendering the patient unconscious to it. How many cases have been so masked by such treatment, that the disease progressed until there was no chance for cure? Pain, fever and all other symptoms are the voice of the disease, telling where is the trouble and guiding us to the remedy. The true curative often relieves pain even more quickly than Opium, and does so by curing the condition upon which it depends. And even in cases where it does not so quickly stop the pain, it is often far better to suffer awhile until the curative can get in its work. Probably ninety-nine in a hundred of those suffering from the terrible habit of morphine eating are first led into it by physicians who prescribe morphine to "relieve pain and procure rest and sleep." And when we take into this account the abuse of stimulants, under the name of tonics, habitually prescribed by the same class of physicians it is no wonder that they are often heard to say, I don't know whether I have done more good or harm.

It is this very narcosis which presents the leading characteristic indication for the Homœopathic use of this drug. No remedy produces such profound stupor, and it is expressed in our Materia Medica as follows: "Stupid, comatose sleep, with rattling, stertorous breathing." In addition to this the face is red and bloated, the eyes blood-shot and half open and the skin covered with hot sweat. Now this condition, which is nothing more or less than such a fullness of the vessels of the brain or head that, from pressure, a paralysis or semi-paralysis of the nerves which carry on the act of breathing, keep the lower jaw up (which drops), and close the sweat glands, takes place. There are many diseases in which this state of things may appear, such as typhoid fever, where the patient becomes totally unconscious and oblivious to all around. There is no response to light, touch, noise or anything else, except the indicated remedy, which is Opium. So in pneumonia, where Opium has made remarkable cures in Homœopathic hands; while in massive, or what they like to call heroic, doses of the old school (given to stop pain and procure sleep) it has sent many a poor victim to his long resting place. In many other diseases, in fact in any disease where these symptoms are found, we may confidently expect Opium either to cure the case or to so change the condition that other remedies will follow it to a perfect cure. Other remedies may vie with it, for instance in typhoids, such as Lachesis or Hyoscyamus. These two remedies will often claim attention in typhoid pneumonia. It often requires close discrimination to choose between them. Apoplexy often calls for Opium, but here as elsewhere the symptoms must decide.

The fact that Opium is capable of banishing pain, or, rather, I should say, rendering the organism incapable of sensing pain, is one of the chief indications for its use in homœopathic therapeutics. There is not only complete absence from pain, but as complete unsusceptibility to general drug action. You know that we are told that when the seemingly indicated remedy does not act give Sulphur. Now it may be that Opium is a better remedy to give, if all there is of the case is that there seems to be no vital reaction. Sulphur would be likely to be the best remedy if the lack of reaction were due to some psoric taint; but even here all the symptoms must be taken into account. Laurocerasus is another remedy to arouse reaction when it seems to depend upon excessively low vitality. Psorinum may succeed in psoric obstructions to vital reactions when Sulphur fails. There is nothing to be more condemned in homœopathic prescribing than routinism. This same paralyzing effect of Opium is seen in the intestines. Their irritability is lost. Peristaltic action is entirely suspended. There is no desire even for movement. The fæces lie there in the convolutions of the intestines, form into hard, black balls, which must be removed by enemas or purgatives. Again, the urinary organs come under the same action. The urine is retained from paralysis of the fundus of the bladder; can't pass water from blunting of the sensitiveness of the walls of the bladder, etc. Or the other extreme, involuntary urination or stool from paralysis of the sphincters. Everywhere Opium is a producer of insensibility and partial or complete paralysis and, other things being equal, is homœopathically indicated there.

Now we find an exactly opposite state of things under Opium to that we have been describing as indicated by the following symptoms: "Delirious, eyes wide open, glistening; face red, puffed up." "Vivid imagination, exaltation of the mind." "Nervous and irritable, easily frightened." "Twitching, trembling of head, arms, hands; jerking of the flexors, even convulsions." "Sleeplessness (Cimicifuga, Coffea), with acuteness of hearing; clock striking and cocks crowing at a great distance keep her awake." These are the secondary or reactionary symptoms of Opium. Nature has been pushed like a pendulum, clear to one side of the perpendicular or normal condition. Now, nature endeavouring to undo this mischief, like the law of gravity with the pendulum, pulls back with such force that the pendulum swings not only to its normal state, but clear over to the other extreme, and then if left to herself will continue to oscillate back and forth until the normal place is found and natural law again reigns supreme. It must be remembered here that the fist class of symptoms are drug action, the later action nature's efforts against the drug; so that such excitement, irritability and spasms never come under the homœopathic action of Opium as a remedy unless this state has been preceded by drowsiness stupor and insensibility, etc. It cannot be the homœopathic remedy to the case without this, for its perfect similarity is not to be found there This is the reason why the homœopath can make his sleepless patient sleep a natural sleep with Opium in the little dose, while the allopath forces his patient into a stupor (not a sleep) with his big dose. The one is curative, the other poisonous.




Stupor insensibility, unconquerable sleep; sleepy with most all complaints.

Excessive dryness of the tongue, mouth, lips and throat; no thirst.

And < cold damp weather, getting wet, or washing; after eating (bloating); > in room, dry weather.

Changeable humor; one moment laughing, the next crying.

* * * * *

The nutmeg, though frequently used for its peculiar flavor in common cookery, is nevertheless a powerful poison, hence a valuable remedy. The mind and sensorium are profoundly affected by it, as shown by the following characteristic symptoms: "Stupor and insensibility and unconquerable sleep." Again "Vanishing of thought while talking, reading, or writing." Again. "Weakness or loss of memory." Again, "Fitful mood, changing from deepest sorrow to frolicsome behavior; now grave, now gay." Again, "Absence of mind, cannot think; has to collect his thoughts before he can answer simple questions." Many more symptoms appear among the provings that show the action of this drug upon the brain. The effect upon the brain, while producing a sleepiness and dulness almost equal to that of Opium, is of an entirely different character, the Opium being seemingly due to fullness of the blood-vessels and pressure, while that of Nux moschata seems to be a benumbing of the very nerve substance itself. It is interesting to notice the sleepiness of Opium, Nux mos. and Tartar emetic, and to study these drugs in comparison. Opium and Tartar emetic are often remedies for pneumonia, but the concomitant symptoms are very different. Opium and Nux vom. in typhoid fever, but the choice, notwithstanding, this symptom of stupor common to both, is not at all difficult. All three of these remedies in bowel complaints of children have this symptom in common, but it is not hard to choose between them. Another very characteristic symptom of this remedy is excessive dryness of the mouth. Mouth so dry that the tongue sticks to the roof, yet no thirst. The tongue, lips and throat are all dry. Of course, there are other remedies having this dryness without thirst, such as Apis, Pulsatilla and Lachesis, but in this respect Nux moschata is the strongest. Then again Nux moschata is greatly troubled with flatulence. The abdomen is enormously distended, especially after meals. Where are two remedies which have pain and distress in the stomach immediately after eating, even when the patient is still at the table. They are Nux mos. and Kali bichromicum. With Nux vomica and Anacardium the pain comes on an hour or two after eating. With Nux mos., everything they eat seems to turn to wind (Kali carb, Iodine), and fills the stomach and abdomen so full as to cause pressure upon all of the organs of the chest and abdomen. Again there is diarrhœa with this remedy. It is very efficacious in cholera infantum, when the above mentioned sensorial symptoms are present. I once had a very severe case of typhoid fever of the nervous stupida variety. On account of the stupidity, the yellow watery diarrhœa, and rumbling and bloating of the abdomen, I thought surely Phosphoric acid must help; but it did not. I finally discovered the excessive dryness of the mouth, which had escaped my attention before. This completed the picture of Nux moschata. Under the action of the 200th potency, the patient rapidly improved unto complete recovery. So we must "watch out" when the seemingly indicated remedy does not cure, for it may not be Sulphur, Opium, Laurocerasus or Psorinum that will have to be given, as we said when writing on Opium and Sulphur; but we have not, no matter what the "seemings," chosen the homœopathic remedy at all, and, as in this case, some symptom may appear that will change the prescription entirely.

Now we will notice in detail the mind and sensorium symptoms that we have given, by way of comparison. I will add to the comparison made between this remedy and Antimonium tart. and Opium, Apis mellifica, which has soporous sleep; but it is interrupted by piercing screams, especially in brain diseases, where the sopor is generally found. None of the other remedies have these screams (cri encephalique) so prominently. "Vanishing of thought while talking, reading or writing" may find their similar under Camphor, Cannabis Indica and Lachesis. "Loss of memory" under many remedies, but notably under Anacardium, Lycopodium, Bryonia alb., Sulphur and Natrum muriaticum. The "fitful, changing moods and disposition" is found under Aconite, Ignatia, Crocus and Platina. "Absence of mind," Anacardium, Kreosote, Lachesis, Natrum mur. and Mercurius. I notice that those remedies that are oftenest similar to Nux moschata in its mind and other symptoms are often found among the so-called hysteric remedies. And why not? For Nux moschata is one of our best in this hydra-headed complaint. Taking together all of the symptoms we have been over, and adding to them that other one, "easy fainting," where can you find a more complete general picture of the average hysteric? I will not use more space here for this remedy, but recommend to every careful student, and practitioner, who does not already understand it, a careful study of this certainly valuable drug. That it has not received the use in practice that it should is due, I have no doubt, to the fact that it is used so frequently in foods, that many think it cannot be much of a remedy.




Mental and physical weakness; both ends of life; don't grow. Almost imbecile (children) feeble and tottering; childish and thoughtless (old age); loss of memory.

Tonsils inflame, swell and suppurate repeatedly, on every cold exposure; chronic hypertrophy afterwards.

Glands swell, infiltrate, hypertrophy; neck, parotids, submaxillary, groin, lymphatics, in the abdomen; hypertrophy, sometimes suppuration.

Offensive foot-sweats; toes and soles get sore; throat affections after checked foot-sweat.

Great sensitiveness to cold.

* * * * *

This is one of the leading so-called anti-scrofulous remedies. Please refer to what I said on this subject (scrofula) while writing on Sulphur. This is also one of the remedies which has one of its leading indications, like Calcarea ost., in the constitution of the patient. Complaints of dwarfish children; mind and body weak; don't grow; inclined to glandular swellings. The defective growth is both mental and physical. The weakness of the mind may amount almost to idiocy or imbecility. Then again it is equally adapted to old age, with mental and physical weakness; feeble and tottering; childishness and thoughtless behavior. It is especially adapted to apoplexy of old people, or a tendency thereto. For loss of memory in such subjects it stands equal to Anacardium. Now we see that if all this is true, Baryta carb. becomes a valuable remedy at both ends of life. Marasmus, infantile or senile, comes equally within its range. In the marasmus of children we may have to choose from among other remedies such as Silicea, Abrotanum, Natrum muriaticum, Sulphur, Calcarea and Iodine. Under all these remedies we may find emaciation of the rest of the body, while the abdomen is greatly enlarged. Again under every one of them, the child may have a voracious appetite; eat enough, but grow poor all of the time. It is defective assimilation. There are some strong points of resemblance between Baryta carb. and Silicea, namely: Offensive sweat on the feet. The head is disproportionately large for the body. Both suffer from damp changes in the weather and both are sensitive to cold about the head. But Silicea has the important diagnostic difference -profuse sweat on the head equal to that of Calcarea ost., which Baryta has not. And there is not that weakness of mind in Silicea that is found in Bryonia; on the contrary the child is self-willed and contrary.

The resemblances to the other remedies, other than those we have mentioned, are so many that we will not undertake to compare them here, but will proceed to notice some of the other strong points of Baryta.

Besides the strong action of Baryta upon the glandular system generally, it seems to have a peculiarly strong affinity for the throat, especially the tonsils, which become greatly inflamed, swollen and suppurate as a consequence of the least exposure to cold. Thus it becomes one of our most valuable therapeutic agents in old quinsy subjects. Alone it is often sufficient to abort an attack of quinsy and with an occasional dose at long intervals with a high potency, to overcome the tendency thereto. (Psorinum). But like Lachesis, Lycopodium, Phytolacca and other remedies, it must be chosen according to all the indications. Baryta is really fully as useful to change the constitutional tendencies to quinsy, as it is in the acute attack. You will find occasionally a case of chronic cough in children with enlarged tonsils, reported in the journals as cured by this remedy. The cure of the cough depends evidently upon the power of the remedy over the condition which produced the enlarged tonsils, for aside from this I have never found it to be a great cough remedy. In tonsilitis acute or chronic which seems to have come as the result of a suppressed foot-sweat, we would immediately think of Baryta notwithstanding Silicea has more troubles arising from such suppression than any other remedy, but Silicea has not nearly the same affinity for the throat that Baryta has.

Here we will close Baryta, for while it is a remedy of the greatest value, its range is not a wide one. Some of the remedies of this kind make up for the lack of range by a positiveness within their range, and this is one of them.

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